You Are Beer! |
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As A Thousand Nights Pass By...
Saturday, December 10, 2005
Hey guys i know i said id blog in NZ but its been kinda hard cuz i didnt have internet connection at all the places ive stayed at. right now its like 2am over here so im not gonna b bloggin a long one 2nite. i'll finish up when i get back hahahhaz its just too hard to type everythin ive done...specially when im supposed to be slpin..... so yea just dropped by to say hi so cya guys when i get back!!
Wednesday, November 30, 2005
i'll be off to new zealand tmr nite...sighz...i know i shld b happy but then.... i'll be missin my church youth camp!!!! i realli realli realli wanna gooooooo!!!! sighz.... so suay, everytime the camp is like...durin the time im away...ah well....will do my best to go nxt yr!!! nuthin much to say actually....will b bloggin frm NZ so yea cya guys ard.
Saturday, November 26, 2005
St.Andrew's Day
whoooooo hooooooooo!!! It was St.Andrew's day today!!! so fun!!! got to church at abt 8.45 and waited for the touch rugby games to start. didnt do the st.andrew's workout, lol... so we played the games...1st game was against some old guys n they kept playin offside!!!!! AAAAAARRRRRRRRGGGGH!!! so irritatin. Ref didnt give any penalty either, sighz... score was 0-0. 2nd game we lost 3-2. 3rd game was lost 4-2 and the last game was won 4-2. siiiighhh.... funny thing is, the refs were all my dad's old rugby mates back in JC. hahah oh well it was fun. o especially the last match... we played in the rain!!!!! hahahzz that was super fun. it was all muddy n stuff. went to the car to change l8r n then had some chow....was huuuuuungry! had some poh piah then went of the day was pretty borin so no need to tell u guys lah hahahz aite man cya ard!
Monday, November 21, 2005
whoa...super tired this mornin... Yesterday was a FULL day fer me. Went ta church in the mornin at abt 7.45am and found out that the senior sunday sch has kinda been kicked out of the south transept hall and up into the chapterhouse where i find that its kinda small. Also, the new system of church is that once u have been "confirmed" u will be graduated from there and either start attending the main service or join a youth group. presonally i don't realli like this...i wld much rather do it the old school style where we stayed til we were sec4 but then again...sighz ah well...its gotta b part of God's plan for the church and more likely for US, the youth of the church. I think he wants us to grow in Him faster and stronger so that we may help others along the way... but just guessin this. After church i had a blast my my friends came over n then we went out bowling at SICC...THAT was fun!! hahahz we were like the noisiest group there. After bowling...a lil pool n dinner we came home and went to play bball!!! Me n Dick lost to Teren's team by 1 bal!!!! not fair!!! hai....hahhaz well better go practice more to beat him. then it just got crazier...we cut Val's bdae cake and played twister...that was maddness....twister was crazy much fun. We watch "you got served" which was totally off the heezy fer sheezy...anyone who likes dancin shld watch it!! i garuntee you'll like it. After that we watched the longest yard...with about another half of the game to go in the movie i fell aslp...onli to wake up later when the movie ended. hahahz that was like at 4am in the mornin sia....n i think tonite again got ppl comin to stay at my place....ahhahhz my hse dunrin hols always like this one... like a chalet... well i Thank Lord God Jesus for givin me a place where i stay and am able to do these things... thank you!!!! aite guys ima gonna bounce so i'll b back soon to blog again.
Thursday, November 17, 2005
ISOW was da BOMB!!!
since tuesday i've been attending ISOW, the international school of worship, conducted by Uncle Brendon and Aunt Cathie Clancy at Grace Methodist Church.It was such a special experience, something i have not done before. It has given me more confidence to lead worship at 8am sunday school as well as to join the worship team at LYnC. on tuesday it started off reeeeeeeeal quick and energetic! most of the time during ISOW was spent praising and worshiping Jesus,Lord our God. We talked abt how to get into God's presence and how to keep the children and youth as well as adults there for a very long time. We played games and had a ball of a time, alot of shouting and jumping around was done...and it ROCKEDD!!!! hahahhzwe we're even asked to lead 1 song of praise or worship. St.andrew's cathedral consisting of me,timothy,valerie,michelle and vanessa chose to do "one way" by hillsong. At first there was supposed to be all of us dancing... but once it started, i just cldnt stop jumping up n down! it was like "heck the dancing, i'll just praise the Lord in the ways which come to me!!" n then it was just shouting and praising all the way!! at the end val was praying and worshipin God, so i closed my eyes and did likewise, as i was all quiet. i opened my eyes to see almost everyone looking at me and aunt Cathie saying "check him out!! he doesnt even care abt u guys..." hahahz that was really funny to go through...we were seen as passionate. was such a sad thing to have to leave GMC today and know i wont be goin back tmr with all the same ppl, but anyhowz.... it was a wonderful and enjoyable experience for me. I've made new friends with ppl from Chapel of the ressurection...hahahz ah well hope to see them sometime soon....its quite a long blog...and my layout is not exactly the easiest to use to read and i do apologise for i gonna go off now cya guys ard!
Sunday, November 13, 2005
D3@D +!r3D $!@....
wah sia lah been a while huh? well aint nuthin much been goin on cept that i've taken up golf...been havin some lessons n improving pretty fast if i do say so myself...hahahz, hmm its been the usual, tuition or bummin out at home sighz.... thursday i had lunch with THE FCC and some of the 208 guys at seoul garden, it was a fun experience!! and the wise words FCC said to us were "don't step on a man while he's on his way down, because you just may meet him while he's on his way back up..." *whoa now take a min to let that sink in.................................done? hahah ok ok* there's a truth to that and it'll b with me for a loooooooong time. Saturday was fun too...went to LYnC with clement and had cell group, the discussion was about the holy spirit and the struggle within ourselves when faced with temptation. sunday wasnt too bad either... went to the main service cuz we didnt have sunday sch. The rest of the day was spent at home then at the driving range for 1 n 1/2hrs of golf,later 1hr15mins of bball!!! whoooooo huuuuuuuuuuu so fun!!! so yea ima check this out again l8r so ima bounce guys! cya
Saturday, November 05, 2005
*music plays* guess who's back,back again, Lim is back, tell ur fren...guess who's back, guess who's bac....*music fades to end*
whoa...been quite a while since i posted anything here... been bummin at home, while also studying and relaxing sighz quite boring leh havent gone out in a while. today went to sentosa with the scouts for a unit outing. quite surprisingly it was pretty fun cept for when it was pouring down on us. We mostly crapped abt and just had fun,me, shanmugan and zhao.... hahaz zhao called our station the "sight-seeing" station, why? u may wonder, well it was a PRETTY nice view from where we were so we kinda just looked at the *ahem* b-e-a-utiful "scenery", esp the volleyball and frisbee ones hahahz, rajan n kwang came, to our displeasure...but anyhowz they didnt really bother us. it was quite an enjoyable time but it was also really tiring...kinda shack liao... hahahz sighz i'll b back another time to blog
whoa...been quite a while since i posted anything here... been bummin at home, while also studying and relaxing sighz quite boring leh havent gone out in a while. today went to sentosa with the scouts for a unit outing. quite surprisingly it was pretty fun cept for when it was pouring down on us. We mostly crapped abt and just had fun,me, shanmugan and zhao.... hahaz zhao called our station the "sight-seeing" station, why? u may wonder, well it was a PRETTY nice view from where we were so we kinda just looked at the *ahem* b-e-a-utiful "scenery", esp the volleyball and frisbee ones hahahz, rajan n kwang came, to our displeasure...but anyhowz they didnt really bother us. it was quite an enjoyable time but it was also really tiring...kinda shack liao... hahahz sighz i'll b back another time to blog
Friday, October 28, 2005
school's out!!! i mean for mosta the other schs anyway...i ended sch on tuesday n i've been bummin ard since! tho i still got tuition n my dad wants me to continue to study to prepare for nxt yr's "O"s...sighz...well it aint all that bad... today went ta Ben's hse to hang out, been quite a while! while i was there i noticed his grandma didnt look as healthy as b4...wonder why?...hope she's aite... ben n i were just chattin while he jammed on his guitar b4 menti came... hahahha!! we play burnout:takedown, so fun!!! we whooped metal ass on the PS2 xia lah hahahhz then me n menti had lunch @ pizza hut. Ben went back to sch to see his frenz. came back home and studied history (can you believe it??!!) sighz... It feels like my mei mei is under alota stress,hope shes gonna be ok for her chinese Os on monday...Good luck to you!! and everyone else who's takin the paper on monday!! im outta here cya guys!!
Wednesday, October 19, 2005
got results back...rather not talk abt it...well not here anywayz... realli did like shit,thought i would do better in abt 3 subjects but apparently not...sighz a BIG disappointment for me... kinda depressed...til someone came along n brightened my day... thx mei mei!!! sia lah...well today wasn't all that bad... got to play ball with the scholars and i gotta say...they aint half fact their quite good... though our team still won both matches hahah well will blog another time when in a better mood.. realli gotta buck up now siaz...
Sunday, October 09, 2005
Tmr im gonna go to obs...b back friday afternoon!! cant wait sia!! unlike *ahem* certain camps... i bet this one's gonna be great!!! though gonna b missin talkin to some ppl at nite...ahahahz ah well... Got a call from an old fren today her mom wanted to talk to my dad bout some stuff...then b4 i knew it she popped by with her mum to pass my dad something....had a nice chat and stuff...been awhile since i did that with her, missed that...she looked great as ever...actually even better...sighz ah well =D ...
will be back friday!!
will be back friday!!
Monday, October 03, 2005
The Day After...
Exams are finally over!!! :-)...hahahz emaths wasnt too bad...quite doable...chinese was...well hahahaz it was chinese so watcha gonna do abt it? feeling better today though i didnt get to play ball....may play tmr mornin...go suan the guys still doin exams... hahahaz im so was boring just came home and bummed around...
feeling better cuz o last nite... had a nice chat with mei mei...sad thing is she still got exams til nxt week and nxt week i got obs...sighz... ah well will see her this sat and sun :-D ...hahahahz well nuthin much more to say...will b bummin around these nxt few days when i dun have sch!!!
feeling better cuz o last nite... had a nice chat with mei mei...sad thing is she still got exams til nxt week and nxt week i got obs...sighz... ah well will see her this sat and sun :-D ...hahahahz well nuthin much more to say...will b bummin around these nxt few days when i dun have sch!!!
Sunday, October 02, 2005
onli one more day of y dont i feel as excited and happy as i thought i would? one reason is that...cuz of the fact i finish my exams so early...i know its a great feeling to get it over and done with...but...most of my friends havent even started wad am i supposed to do? i'm gonna b dead top it off...the weak im at OBS is the week that most of them end their exams... wad an irritant... hmmmz y else? i dunno... wo zhi dao wo yi jing shi ta de "ge ge"... dan shi ...hai wad was that feeling i feel when i see her and him together? although i know she said she onli likes him as a fren...this mornin when i walked in...i felt...something ... cant quite put my finger on it...jealousy? mayb thats wad it was? i have no idea... or mayb even yesterday... when we were talkin abt exams n then *cuz my exams end so early,while theirs has barely started* they were like "do u hear that? izzat a bee?"... i know i was quite a bugger but normally if ppl make jokes like that i have no problem with it,i laugh along, but this time... y do i feel like just goin into a corner and listening to yellowcard's "way away"? y does it hurt more than normal? recently i've felt diff around wo de mei mei... do i like her? yes i do..but whether its just a "fren like" or more than that i have no clue... today when she had to go off suddenly cuz her parents came out from service already and i didnt get to say "goodbye" y did i feel like something was missing... if i do like her,do i tell her? SHOULD i tell her? The last time i had a "mei mei" then told her "i like you" it ended up reeeeeeealli badly...hai... :( so how? i dunno wad to do? sighz ah well i'll have to think abt this again and try and sort myself out... but i think after tmr exams n nxt week's obs is a better time... leave with a song by Yellowcard "empty apartments"
Call me out
You stayed inside
One you love
Is where you hide
Shot me down as I flew by
Crash and burn
I think sometimes you forget where the heart is
Answer no to these questions
Let her go, learn a lesson
It's not me, you're not listening now
Can't you see something's missing?
You forget where the heart is
Take you away from that empty apartment
You stay and forget where the heart is
Someday if ever you love me you'd say it's okay
Waking up from this nightmare
How's your life, what's it like there?
Is it all what you want it to be?
Does it hurt when you think about me?
And how broken my heart is
Take you away from that empty apartment
You stay and forget where the heart is
Someday if ever you love me you'd say it's okay
It's okay to be angry and never let go
It only gets harder the more that you know
When you get lonely if no one's around
You know that I'll catch you when you're falling down
We came together but you left alone
And I know how it feels to walk out on your own
Maybe someday I will see you again
And you'll look me in my eyes and call me your friend
Take you away from that empty apartment
You stay and forget where the heart is
Someday if ever you love me you'd say its okay
It's okay
It's okay...
Call me out
You stayed inside
One you love
Is where you hide
Shot me down as I flew by
Crash and burn
I think sometimes you forget where the heart is
Answer no to these questions
Let her go, learn a lesson
It's not me, you're not listening now
Can't you see something's missing?
You forget where the heart is
Take you away from that empty apartment
You stay and forget where the heart is
Someday if ever you love me you'd say it's okay
Waking up from this nightmare
How's your life, what's it like there?
Is it all what you want it to be?
Does it hurt when you think about me?
And how broken my heart is
Take you away from that empty apartment
You stay and forget where the heart is
Someday if ever you love me you'd say it's okay
It's okay to be angry and never let go
It only gets harder the more that you know
When you get lonely if no one's around
You know that I'll catch you when you're falling down
We came together but you left alone
And I know how it feels to walk out on your own
Maybe someday I will see you again
And you'll look me in my eyes and call me your friend
Take you away from that empty apartment
You stay and forget where the heart is
Someday if ever you love me you'd say its okay
It's okay
It's okay...
Saturday, October 01, 2005
today was jaaaaaaaaaammed pack full of stuff... had 2 maths tuition for monday... 0800-0945 then 1000-1115...after that went to tch winni's hse... super cool sia!!! had lunch with the other cell leaders... Mei mei and Tim...hahahz sia lah... then we had our discussions on being a leader and the calling to be a leader...that was sooooooooooo much fun....laughin all the way...but still got the discussion done... after that *i think tch winni is tryna faten the girls up...SOOOO MUCH FOOOD!!!* we all went to Lync at the Adelphi across church... L.Y.N.C (pronounced "link") Linking Youths N Christ... thats wad it stands for...its a youth service from 3-5pm...hahahz that was fun...praised God...played games and heard...urmz... "recruitment" for the diff ministries... like Welcome and Fellowship, Woship Leading, Outreach, Intercession, Creative and Logistics....sighz today really passed fast...sigh wanted to hang out with mei mei abit longer but then she got exams...all the way til i go for obs that time...ah how leh?
Friday, September 30, 2005
almost done!!!!
Exams almost over!!!! whooopeee!!! got through the 1st 4days of exams... tues was chinese paper 1 and chemistry...not too was emaths paper 1 and elec geog... both manageable...thurs was good at 1st glance...SS was easy...then the killer emergered from the envelope...the PHYSICS PAPER!!! sia lah this was a freaking murder weapon....sch shld b charged for attempted murder in the 1st degree...hahahahz but wait...that wasnt the A maths and History 2158!!!! Amaths was tough but it was expected...History....hahahahz shld have seen the class when we were preparing...everyone was irritable...well most of the guys crammin in class anyway... when mr.tung was walkin to class we were like "NOOOOOOO!!!" or "F**K SHIT!!!" Or even "cld u WAIT LAH!!!" hahahahz that was the funniest...the paper was i was crappin my way through the paper sia...sigh...hope can pass....some ppl didnt even wait for the 1 1/2 hr mark to stop writing and get some much needed shuteye in....
Monday E maths2 and Chinese2 No kick lah!!! hahahahz BRING IT ON!!!! oh wait gotta remember... "keep knockin on the Devil's door...sooner or later...someone's gonna answer..." hahahhaz watched the Longest Yard last friday!!! so freaking funny!!! Adam Sandler is the best!!! Along with chris rock!! GoTTa buy the DVD!!!.....tmr got 3hrs of maths tuition b4 im goin for Cell-Grp Leader's Trng!!! then onto the youth service at church!!! tmr's gonna ROCK!!! cy'all ard!!
Monday E maths2 and Chinese2 No kick lah!!! hahahahz BRING IT ON!!!! oh wait gotta remember... "keep knockin on the Devil's door...sooner or later...someone's gonna answer..." hahahhaz watched the Longest Yard last friday!!! so freaking funny!!! Adam Sandler is the best!!! Along with chris rock!! GoTTa buy the DVD!!!.....tmr got 3hrs of maths tuition b4 im goin for Cell-Grp Leader's Trng!!! then onto the youth service at church!!! tmr's gonna ROCK!!! cy'all ard!!
Monday, September 26, 2005
AAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRRGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!! exams tmr!!!! hahaha nvm cannot chat the "mantra of death" TM(bro mike)...*die die fail sure fail die sure die...* hahahahz cannot cannot...must chant the mantra of enlightenment! *im gonna kill the gonna kill the f**kin cant stop me no one can!...*
sighz being lame...might be a pre-exam high or freakin idea sia.... im gonna go study now....cyaz
sighz being lame...might be a pre-exam high or freakin idea sia.... im gonna go study now....cyaz
Wednesday, September 21, 2005
my brain....
Your Brain's Pattern |
![]() Your mind is an incubator for good ideas, it just takes a while for them to develop. But when you think of something, watch out! Your thoughts tend to be huge, and they come on quickly - like an explosion. You tend to be quiet around others, unless you're inspired by your next big idea. |
Tuesday, September 20, 2005
exams in a week
listenin to : Jimmy eat world : Kill
sighz 1more week...then the exams start...frankly...i dun think im ready yet... i still have alot to study...*so wtf am i doin here???*...i dunnno...very sian nowadayz... plus side is...NBA season is startin soon!!! yes!!! finally!!! Miami will b the champions next June!!!!
" To Live Is To Suffer,
To Survive Is To Find Meaning
In The Suffering "
wad do u guys think?
sighz 1more week...then the exams start...frankly...i dun think im ready yet... i still have alot to study...*so wtf am i doin here???*...i dunnno...very sian nowadayz... plus side is...NBA season is startin soon!!! yes!!! finally!!! Miami will b the champions next June!!!!
" To Live Is To Suffer,
To Survive Is To Find Meaning
In The Suffering "
wad do u guys think?
Saturday, September 17, 2005
Poems and songs
Decided to put some stuff i write durin class(when im bored) on my blog...along with some songs i feel are realli and tag,givin ur reviews...
Slam Dunk Theme song: I want to shout "I love you"
Starting my run in the middle of town,
bright sunlight at my back,
as always,you tapped my shoulder
I'm so enthralled by you
- yet for reasons unknown
your arm won't be linked to mine.
Before I realized it,
you stole my gaze, and it began.
I won't let you go. I won't have any doubts.
Crazy for you.
I want to shout "I love you."
Let's try to change tomorrow.
I want to smash this freezing moment in time.
I want to shout "I love you."
Let's be brave and take a step forward.
I want you to receive these warm emotions.
On the noisy floor,
across from me at the crowded table,
I'm lost in your casual glance.
It feels like I'm in love with you,
yet it's like I'm being toyed with.
I can't lie to my soaring hearbeat emotions anymore.
When will it change,
this frustrating friendship?
I want to tell you. I want to make sure.
I take you away.
I want to shout "I love you."
Let's leave everything behind.
I want to find the words to melt your heart.
I want to shout "I love you."
I won't let you leave me tonight.
Let's end the days we don't get past just gazing at eachother
I wanna cry for you
I want to shout "I love you."
Let's try to change tomorrow.
I want to smash this freezing (moment in) time.
I want to shout "I love you."
Let's bravely take a step forward.
I want you to receive these warm emotions.
I wanna cry for you...
Gifts and curses
Mary belongs to the words of a song.
I try to be strong for her, try not to be wrong for her.
But she will not wait for me, anymore, anymore.
Why did I say all those things before? I was sure.
(She is the one), but I have a purpose,
(she is the one), and I have to fight this,
(she is the one), a villian I can't knock down.
I see your face with every punch I take,
and every bone I break, it's all for you.
And my worst pains are words I cannot say,
still I will always fight on for you.
Mary's alive in the bright New York sky,
the city lights shine for her, above them I cry for her.
Everything's small on the ground below, down below.
What if I fall, then where would I go, would she know?
(She is the one), all that I wanted,
(she is the one), and I will be haunted,
(she is the one), this gift is my curse for now.
I see your face with every punch I take,
and every bone I break, it's all for you.
And my worst pains are words I cannot say,
Still I will always fight on for you. Fight on for you ...
I see your face with every punch I take,
and every bone I break, its all for you
and my worst pains are words I cannot say
still I will always fight on for you. Fight on for you. Fight on for you...
Trapped in my cold cage
chained to the floor with no escape
darkness my only companion
I see the Sun but i cant feel it
the warmth of its rays I long for it
Your smile, Your Warmth, Your Friendship
with all of it you set me free
Like the golden sun you shone
then you left and there i was
in total misery, chained again
Outside its Summer
but deep inside
I feel the cold of Winter
Alone, by myself, again...
thats all for now....hahaz rmb if u read em pls tag ur reviews! thx alot... need alot more bored time in class for more poems/rap/wadeva hahaz cyaz
Slam Dunk Theme song: I want to shout "I love you"
Starting my run in the middle of town,
bright sunlight at my back,
as always,you tapped my shoulder
I'm so enthralled by you
- yet for reasons unknown
your arm won't be linked to mine.
Before I realized it,
you stole my gaze, and it began.
I won't let you go. I won't have any doubts.
Crazy for you.
I want to shout "I love you."
Let's try to change tomorrow.
I want to smash this freezing moment in time.
I want to shout "I love you."
Let's be brave and take a step forward.
I want you to receive these warm emotions.
On the noisy floor,
across from me at the crowded table,
I'm lost in your casual glance.
It feels like I'm in love with you,
yet it's like I'm being toyed with.
I can't lie to my soaring hearbeat emotions anymore.
When will it change,
this frustrating friendship?
I want to tell you. I want to make sure.
I take you away.
I want to shout "I love you."
Let's leave everything behind.
I want to find the words to melt your heart.
I want to shout "I love you."
I won't let you leave me tonight.
Let's end the days we don't get past just gazing at eachother
I wanna cry for you
I want to shout "I love you."
Let's try to change tomorrow.
I want to smash this freezing (moment in) time.
I want to shout "I love you."
Let's bravely take a step forward.
I want you to receive these warm emotions.
I wanna cry for you...
Gifts and curses
Mary belongs to the words of a song.
I try to be strong for her, try not to be wrong for her.
But she will not wait for me, anymore, anymore.
Why did I say all those things before? I was sure.
(She is the one), but I have a purpose,
(she is the one), and I have to fight this,
(she is the one), a villian I can't knock down.
I see your face with every punch I take,
and every bone I break, it's all for you.
And my worst pains are words I cannot say,
still I will always fight on for you.
Mary's alive in the bright New York sky,
the city lights shine for her, above them I cry for her.
Everything's small on the ground below, down below.
What if I fall, then where would I go, would she know?
(She is the one), all that I wanted,
(she is the one), and I will be haunted,
(she is the one), this gift is my curse for now.
I see your face with every punch I take,
and every bone I break, it's all for you.
And my worst pains are words I cannot say,
Still I will always fight on for you. Fight on for you ...
I see your face with every punch I take,
and every bone I break, its all for you
and my worst pains are words I cannot say
still I will always fight on for you. Fight on for you. Fight on for you...
Trapped in my cold cage
chained to the floor with no escape
darkness my only companion
I see the Sun but i cant feel it
the warmth of its rays I long for it
Your smile, Your Warmth, Your Friendship
with all of it you set me free
Like the golden sun you shone
then you left and there i was
in total misery, chained again
Outside its Summer
but deep inside
I feel the cold of Winter
Alone, by myself, again...
thats all for now....hahaz rmb if u read em pls tag ur reviews! thx alot... need alot more bored time in class for more poems/rap/wadeva hahaz cyaz
Tuesday, September 13, 2005
life's's all fine...have a place to call home, a school to go to, a court to ball and just a normal life. Some of us are so lucky but we sometimes forget... hurricane Katrina in new orleans, mississipi is a real wake up call like the tsunami of last yr...lives are so are so easily destroyed. In a flash, wad we had can dissapear... nvr forget to appreciate those around you...esp ur family members : your mom,dad,grandparents,siblings...your friends...sch mates and best buds ...a phone call to an old fren is always much appreciated... so chi oral passage is something im sorta strugglin with...the lost of childhood or pri sch frenz... when i saw the passage i was kinda shocked...sighz...still dun understand but anywayz...siigghz....very bored now.....listenin to yellowcard...feeling down... gotta go slp now...sch tmr morn aaargh sian...
Wednesday, September 07, 2005
anger is creepin in...
why do some ppl not act but rather ARE some of ur best friends for such a long time and suddenly change w/o any apparent reason??? it just pisses me off....sure i can understand if we drift apart but it was not after a while!! this one was almost moment talkin like best frenz...the next total cold shoulder... i also can understand if at the time something bad happens at home or stuff but keep ignoring me for more than 3months? or even almost a year??? wtf is wrong??? if u wont talk to me how the f am i supposed to understand???!!! we used to be such great friends wad exactly happened i still do not know nor do i understand...i try to but i cant seem to... i try and move on as some ppl advise me to but i cant...its too painful... forgettin you is like rippin a piece of my heart out... the way ur treatin and acting towards rather forget you...but forgettin you is also forgettin all the good and great times we had, the laughter we shared, the arguments we had. everything was so fun and great but what happened? ....sighhz..... im a sentimental old bloody fool... cant stand it anymore...dunno wad to do....listenin to yellowcard's "ocean avenue" album...the absolute best for these kinda moods...or even yellowcard's "gifts and curses" and last Jimmy Eat World "kill"...sighhzzz wish it all went back to normal....
Monday, September 05, 2005
first full day of hols
aaaaah sian man...hahah mornin got up at 9.30, got ready for tuition at 11, went with glenn by bike...cycling's so fun!!! hahahz...super sian today...val's frenz came over for some proj...studied read comic chat surf net and finally blogged...hahahz hols damn sian man...kk blog some other time...nuthin to say....
Sunday, September 04, 2005
the day after the camp
heyz...back from camp....amazingly...i survived! hahahz well it wasnt that siong... very slack actually...but cannot slp....every hr wake up....then middle of the nite ard 3am got "firedrill"...wake us up...go fall in...then go back and slp again....siiiighz stupid sia...hahahz...then got "sentry duty" sum time from 2.30 to 3am.... sia lah can die....hahahz wake ard newtown sec at nite quite spooky...esp go the spiral staircase there...nobody at all....n very was alot...too much in fact... always got left over... played games but kena "pumped" alota times still...cuz of stupid idiots who cant follow instructions lah!!! aaaargh... *arms aching* play games STILL must do push-up sia....hahahz...aaaaaaargh so it wasnt THAT bad...but it still wasnt a GREAT camp either...miss hpps scout much more fun...hahah cant wait... must go back n help when can!!! see mr n mrs koh or rather uncle robert and auntie michelle!! hahahz....waaaaaaaah now sian leh....dunno wad to do....need to mug during this hols or else my final exams sure die one....peace out leavin for now....
Monday, August 29, 2005
Surprise dinner on sat
ayz...feelin better now...sighz ah well...the thing on sat was bullshit but nitetime was real fun! my mom had been plannin a surprise dinner for my dad and she invited all his frenz n colleagues to it as well as my family...hahahz shld've seen the look on his face!!! total shock! hahahz then it was a great dinner at Saint Piere!! hahaz french food which was totally off the heezy fer sheezy!...was at the "party" to abt 1am n only reached home at 1.30...sia lah can die one...slpt at 2am wantin to go to church then woke up onli at 8!!! my church "officially" starts at 8am but normally doesnt get goin til 8.15 so yea...reached sunday school onli at 8.45...sighz was late...hai... now doin hw...stupid barisan sosialis...still dun wanna go for the stupid camp this weekend... hope mom n dad change their mind n say i shld stay home n study...hai oh wellz....
Friday, August 26, 2005
fcukin shit...
aaaargh bloody mofo fcuking piece of no good a fcuking briefing tmr morn ... sum scout bullshit...dun fckin wanna go....need to study for my exam but noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo mom n dad say MUST go....fcuk it lah.....right now i dun care wad trouble kwang went to to get me in this stupid fcukin waste of time they call a "leadership training camp"...dun fcukin wanna go....cant they fcukin understand that????????!!!!!!!!! its a bloody total waste of time!!!!! wont get a freckin thing out of it....n dun any of u start abt how i need to go there with a positive attitude n shit.... got enough of that from the 'rents....just venting my pent-up anger here...siiiighzzz....FCUK it lah!!!!! gonna lose 3days of studyin to the stupid punkass camp and THEN still might have to lose another 2dayz to some bitchass canoeing thing....fcuk it!!! y they gotta do it just 2weeks b4 the freckin exam???!!??!!!!??!! SJI is all n gd but this is stupid... just as stupid as its motto abt sports ... "if we cant win top 4, we dont want to do that sport"... buncha sissies up in the sch office....NO BALLS to take a lost with bball or soccer team...wad kinda guy's sch is that????? it aint one from where im lookin from.....SIGHHHHH.....freckin pissed right now....they just dun understand me....Y THE HELL DO I NEED TO GO FOR SOMETHING THAT I FEEL IS A TOTAL,COMPLETE AND UTTER WASTE OF TIME?????? its not freckin logical... thats wad it is... still freckin pissed......i think i need to go punch something until it breaks/tears up or my knuckles bleed a WHOLE lot.....
*apologies for "use" of profanities, just realli realli realli need to get it out... super pissed..."
*apologies for "use" of profanities, just realli realli realli need to get it out... super pissed..."
Wednesday, August 24, 2005
haiz..... its like...less than 5weeks to my exam and i KNOW i should be studying hard and revising to prep for it but...i just have no freaking mood to...its damn sian n life is moving either too slowly or too quickly for me...good friends i used to have suddenly "daoing" me, not answering my calls or replying to my msn chatbox msgs... ok so it mayb near exam time but, it's been goin on for awhile already...some since last yr n some as recent as june...just pisses me off...dunno w.t.h. i did to make them like that...sighz justed feelin down...
onto other blog still not quite done...i know...sorryz, just i dunno how to do? my sis helps me do it cuz she's pro at it n stuff so just waitin to ask her to help me out with it...
sighz wad to do? some ppl just suddenly "dao" you...hai...well trying not to think abt them, just hang wif my sji homeboys or my hpps BudS...ah well better start gettin down to work another time...
onto other blog still not quite done...i know...sorryz, just i dunno how to do? my sis helps me do it cuz she's pro at it n stuff so just waitin to ask her to help me out with it...
sighz wad to do? some ppl just suddenly "dao" you...hai...well trying not to think abt them, just hang wif my sji homeboys or my hpps BudS...ah well better start gettin down to work another time...
Sunday, August 21, 2005
Yo guys, bloggin frm HK right now...haha for russel peters fans u might have guessed where i am...or not...but anyway for the deprived folk...Russel is one of the ultimate stand-up comedians of all time...racist his jokes maybe but funny they are! hahahz n he even makes fun of his own race! so yea...those wonderin WTH?? am i doin in hong kong in the middle (or rather near end but still...) of the sch term; my parent's frim has a trip so they decided to drag my butt along...therefore i pon sch on fri n skipped a phy test! hahaz... left thurs evening comin back tmr nite...sigh this trip went by very fast...back to sch on monday.. just went shoppin with the family...bought a chicago bulls cap!! hahahz n went to a super shoppin centre cine times 3 or 4....damn cool man!! then nite got the firm's dinner so sat with my dad n mom's colleagues...well i sian liao shld b slpin but usin com! hahahz...may blog again tmr if im up to it...
Wednesday, August 03, 2005
wah hahaz while since i blogged....2day was boring...sch sucked as rei sam arthur n bai rong "presented" our chem UBD proj n chen ling kwong whooped our asses wif Q.s none of us cld ans....sighz hahah other then that nuthin much happened in sch...came home n had chi tuition... sighs =_=" haha i know...i suck at chi...ah well just finished it n found out the Heat have gotten Antoine Walker n Jason Williams in a trade!!! hahahz cant wait for the upcoming Season!!! ah well i gonna do my hw now...
Wednesday, July 27, 2005
1st time..
whoooo hahah WOW i got a blog...aint this blog cool? done by my very own favourite sis Val!! (AKA Ajace...) hahah thx alot! :-)
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