
Friends help clean you up, Buddies cake you in the face!
You Are Beer!
You don't need to get totally wasted when you hit the bars. More of a social drinker, you just like to have fun with your friends. And as long as the beer keeps flowing, you're a happy camper. But don't mix things up: "Beer Before Liquor, Never Been Sicker!"

As A Thousand Nights Pass By...

Friday, October 28, 2005


school's out!!! i mean for mosta the other schs anyway...i ended sch on tuesday n i've been bummin ard since! tho i still got tuition n my dad wants me to continue to study to prepare for nxt yr's "O"s...sighz...well it aint all that bad... today went ta Ben's hse to hang out, been quite a while! while i was there i noticed his grandma didnt look as healthy as b4...wonder why?...hope she's aite... ben n i were just chattin while he jammed on his guitar b4 menti came... hahahha!! we play burnout:takedown, so fun!!! we whooped metal ass on the PS2 xia lah hahahhz then me n menti had lunch @ pizza hut. Ben went back to sch to see his frenz. came back home and studied history (can you believe it??!!) sighz... It feels like my mei mei is under alota stress,hope shes gonna be ok for her chinese Os on monday...Good luck to you!! and everyone else who's takin the paper on monday!! im outta here cya guys!!

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