
Friends help clean you up, Buddies cake you in the face!
You Are Beer!
You don't need to get totally wasted when you hit the bars. More of a social drinker, you just like to have fun with your friends. And as long as the beer keeps flowing, you're a happy camper. But don't mix things up: "Beer Before Liquor, Never Been Sicker!"

As A Thousand Nights Pass By...

Saturday, October 01, 2005


today was jaaaaaaaaaammed pack full of stuff... had 2 maths tuition for monday... 0800-0945 then 1000-1115...after that went to tch winni's hse... super cool sia!!! had lunch with the other cell leaders... Mei mei and Tim...hahahz sia lah... then we had our discussions on being a leader and the calling to be a leader...that was sooooooooooo much fun....laughin all the way...but still got the discussion done... after that *i think tch winni is tryna faten the girls up...SOOOO MUCH FOOOD!!!* we all went to Lync at the Adelphi across church... L.Y.N.C (pronounced "link") Linking Youths N Christ... thats wad it stands for...its a youth service from 3-5pm...hahahz that was fun...praised God...played games and heard...urmz... "recruitment" speeches...lol... for the diff ministries... like Welcome and Fellowship, Woship Leading, Outreach, Intercession, Creative and Logistics....sighz today really passed fast...sigh wanted to hang out with mei mei abit longer but then she got exams...all the way til i go for obs that time...ah how leh?

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