
Friends help clean you up, Buddies cake you in the face!
You Are Beer!
You don't need to get totally wasted when you hit the bars. More of a social drinker, you just like to have fun with your friends. And as long as the beer keeps flowing, you're a happy camper. But don't mix things up: "Beer Before Liquor, Never Been Sicker!"

As A Thousand Nights Pass By...

Wednesday, September 07, 2005

anger is creepin in...

why do some ppl not act but rather ARE some of ur best friends for such a long time and suddenly change w/o any apparent reason??? it just pisses me off....sure i can understand if we drift apart but it was not after a while!! this one was almost instantly...one moment talkin like best frenz...the next total cold shoulder... i also can understand if at the time something bad happens at home or stuff but keep ignoring me for more than 3months? or even almost a year??? wtf is wrong??? if u wont talk to me how the f am i supposed to understand???!!! we used to be such great friends wad exactly happened i still do not know nor do i understand...i try to but i cant seem to... i try and move on as some ppl advise me to but i cant...its too painful... forgettin you is like rippin a piece of my heart out... the way ur treatin and acting towards me...id rather forget you...but forgettin you is also forgettin all the good and great times we had, the laughter we shared, the arguments we had. everything was so fun and great but what happened? ....sighhz..... im a sentimental old bloody fool... cant stand it anymore...dunno wad to do....listenin to yellowcard's "ocean avenue" album...the absolute best for these kinda moods...or even yellowcard's "gifts and curses" and last Jimmy Eat World "kill"...sighhzzz wish it all went back to normal....

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