
Friends help clean you up, Buddies cake you in the face!
You Are Beer!
You don't need to get totally wasted when you hit the bars. More of a social drinker, you just like to have fun with your friends. And as long as the beer keeps flowing, you're a happy camper. But don't mix things up: "Beer Before Liquor, Never Been Sicker!"

As A Thousand Nights Pass By...

Sunday, September 04, 2005

the day after the camp

heyz...back from camp....amazingly...i survived! hahahz well it wasnt that siong... very slack actually...but cannot slp....every hr wake up....then middle of the nite ard 3am got "firedrill"...wake us up...go fall in...then go back and slp again....siiiighz stupid sia...hahahz...then got "sentry duty" sum more...my time from 2.30 to 3am.... sia lah can die....hahahz wake ard newtown sec at nite quite spooky...esp go the spiral staircase there...nobody at all....n very dark...food was alot...too much in fact... always got left over... played games but kena "pumped" alota times still...cuz of stupid idiots who cant follow instructions lah!!! aaaargh... *arms aching* play games STILL must do push-up sia....hahahz...aaaaaaargh so it wasnt THAT bad...but it still wasnt a GREAT camp either...miss hpps scout camps...so much more fun...hahah cant wait... must go back n help when can!!! see mr n mrs koh or rather uncle robert and auntie michelle!! hahahz....waaaaaaaah now sian leh....dunno wad to do....need to mug during this hols or else my final exams sure die one....peace out leavin for now....

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