
Friends help clean you up, Buddies cake you in the face!
You Are Beer!
You don't need to get totally wasted when you hit the bars. More of a social drinker, you just like to have fun with your friends. And as long as the beer keeps flowing, you're a happy camper. But don't mix things up: "Beer Before Liquor, Never Been Sicker!"

As A Thousand Nights Pass By...

Thursday, November 17, 2005

ISOW was da BOMB!!!

since tuesday i've been attending ISOW, the international school of worship, conducted by Uncle Brendon and Aunt Cathie Clancy at Grace Methodist Church.It was such a special experience, something i have not done before. It has given me more confidence to lead worship at 8am sunday school as well as to join the worship team at LYnC. on tuesday it started off reeeeeeeeal quick and energetic! most of the time during ISOW was spent praising and worshiping Jesus,Lord our God. We talked abt how to get into God's presence and how to keep the children and youth as well as adults there for a very long time. We played games and had a ball of a time, alot of shouting and jumping around was done...and it ROCKEDD!!!! hahahhzwe we're even asked to lead 1 song of praise or worship. St.andrew's cathedral consisting of me,timothy,valerie,michelle and vanessa chose to do "one way" by hillsong. At first there was supposed to be all of us dancing... but once it started, i just cldnt stop jumping up n down! it was like "heck the dancing, i'll just praise the Lord in the ways which come to me!!" n then it was just shouting and praising all the way!! at the end val was praying and worshipin God, so i closed my eyes and did likewise, as i finished...it was all quiet. i opened my eyes to see almost everyone looking at me and aunt Cathie saying "check him out!! he doesnt even care abt u guys..." hahahz that was really funny to go through...we were seen as passionate. sighz....it was such a sad thing to have to leave GMC today and know i wont be goin back tmr with all the same ppl, but anyhowz.... it was a wonderful and enjoyable experience for me. I've made new friends with ppl from Chapel of the ressurection...hahahz ah well hope to see them sometime soon....its quite a long blog...and my layout is not exactly the easiest to use to read and i do apologise for that...so i gonna go off now cya guys ard!

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