Its been a year since I first set foot on the Trinity Campus in Melbourne...
I still remember how reluctant I was to leave Sg to go for the Foundations course, leaving family and friends behind. Funny how it was only cuz Huai heard I was thinking of going and he persuaded his parents to let him go that I decided it wldnt be too bad specially cuz my bud wld be rooming with me. Seriously having that bugger as a roomie for a year really makes it an interesting one xD
So many things happened during that 8.5 months(not counting the holidays); orientation camp at the grampians which had a spectacular view of the stars at night; the big noise-where many of us made a fool of ourselves; drama exams which most of us busted our asses off to practice and make perfect and not to forget the prom which was weirdly held at the Melb Aquarium.
Those were just some of the bigger events. There was the weekly events like HOI Lecture with Tamar(the squeakiest lecturer EVER); Graham's econs/nagging sessions; Danny's crazy antics during drama and Maureen's insanely entertaining Psychology lessons.
The friends I have made are ones that I will cherish for life.
Poodle (HAHA xDDD):
Thank you for being someone I can always confide in. You're such a great listener, you're so easy to talk to I can tell you anything and you give me good advice with care, for that I thank you. Though I can't rmb how we started talking I'm really glad to call you my close friend. All those nights we spent just hanging out and chatting are times I cherish.
That night was our longest Goodbye, but it's merely farewell for now.
Don't forget that I'm always here for you alright?
Chubbs (LOL I'm so getting killed for this):
Yo man, it was an awesome year huh? Lots of crazy experiences. I'm quite happy that you were my roomie. It made adjusting to Melb a whole lot easier having someone I've known for a pretty long time. Those late nights when we talked abt girls and well life were truly enjoyable, even though it made waking up for lectures the next day a TORTURE xP
We ride together, We die together, Bad Boys for Life
Spermy (Another one...gotta become a cat with 9 lives xP):
It was really fun getting to know you. What with your bitch-I-ain't-taking-shit-from-you attitude xP and your straightforwardness. There's no two ways about anything with you! Do you rmb how we started talkin? I do and thats because its one of the weirdest ways i got to know someone. Outside Eeep-eeep's room while she was on the phone? yea that was an interesting conversation which started a great friendship.
Eeep-eeep (Die liao... EVERYONE'S gonna be after my punkass... OH WELL xDDDD):
Thank you for being someone whom I could talk to whenever and where ever no matter about what. I can always count on you to encourage me in my walk with God. My most memorable conversation with you is probably that night after you had dinner with... phaikwah? Yea i think so. We went to Carlton Gardens to sit while we waited for Spermy. That conversation well... It was special to me anyway. It changed my mind about certain things and I think everything worked out from there. I'm glad to have met you and gotten to know you over last year. May our friendship grow from strength to strength! I'll always be there when you need me.
If only some things never change
Looking back I do not regret one bit my final decision to head to Melb. The course, though short was challenging and pushed me to work harder than I've ever worked before but hey, it pays off. 86% and Faculty of Arts man! Praise God for that =)
Planetshakers has been an eye opener for me. I've never felt so close with a cell-group ever before. I really miss it now that I'm back in Sg. Praying God sends me to the Church He has called me to be soon.
In this broad world,
I can’t express the joy of encountering you with words
So we smile, sing about the vividly passing autumn in do-re-mi
Turn our backs on winter,
wait for the sunlight streaming through trees in spring
And become reborn anew,
so that we can protect someone
On the path we came from and our destination,
when we looked back, I’d always have timid eyes
I want to face you, but I can’t be honest
I, who repeated days of not being able to straightforwardly love my partner
And hated being alone on that day
Seemed to love people while unwounded
You Are Beer! |
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As A Thousand Nights Pass By...
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
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