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As A Thousand Nights Pass By...
Wednesday, November 30, 2005
i'll be off to new zealand tmr nite...sighz...i know i shld b happy but then.... i'll be missin my church youth camp!!!! i realli realli realli wanna gooooooo!!!! sighz.... so suay, everytime the camp is like...durin the time im away...ah well....will do my best to go nxt yr!!! nuthin much to say actually....will b bloggin frm NZ so yea cya guys ard.
Saturday, November 26, 2005
St.Andrew's Day
whoooooo hooooooooo!!! It was St.Andrew's day today!!! so fun!!! got to church at abt 8.45 and waited for the touch rugby games to start. didnt do the st.andrew's workout, lol... so we played the games...1st game was against some old guys n they kept playin offside!!!!! AAAAAARRRRRRRRGGGGH!!! so irritatin. Ref didnt give any penalty either, sighz... score was 0-0. 2nd game we lost 3-2. 3rd game was lost 4-2 and the last game was won 4-2. siiiighhh.... funny thing is, the refs were all my dad's old rugby mates back in JC. hahah oh well it was fun. o especially the last match... we played in the rain!!!!! hahahzz that was super fun. it was all muddy n stuff. went to the car to change l8r n then had some chow....was huuuuuungry! had some poh piah then went of the day was pretty borin so no need to tell u guys lah hahahz aite man cya ard!
Monday, November 21, 2005
whoa...super tired this mornin... Yesterday was a FULL day fer me. Went ta church in the mornin at abt 7.45am and found out that the senior sunday sch has kinda been kicked out of the south transept hall and up into the chapterhouse where i find that its kinda small. Also, the new system of church is that once u have been "confirmed" u will be graduated from there and either start attending the main service or join a youth group. presonally i don't realli like this...i wld much rather do it the old school style where we stayed til we were sec4 but then again...sighz ah well...its gotta b part of God's plan for the church and more likely for US, the youth of the church. I think he wants us to grow in Him faster and stronger so that we may help others along the way... but just guessin this. After church i had a blast my my friends came over n then we went out bowling at SICC...THAT was fun!! hahahz we were like the noisiest group there. After bowling...a lil pool n dinner we came home and went to play bball!!! Me n Dick lost to Teren's team by 1 bal!!!! not fair!!! hai....hahhaz well better go practice more to beat him. then it just got crazier...we cut Val's bdae cake and played twister...that was maddness....twister was crazy much fun. We watch "you got served" which was totally off the heezy fer sheezy...anyone who likes dancin shld watch it!! i garuntee you'll like it. After that we watched the longest yard...with about another half of the game to go in the movie i fell aslp...onli to wake up later when the movie ended. hahahz that was like at 4am in the mornin sia....n i think tonite again got ppl comin to stay at my place....ahhahhz my hse dunrin hols always like this one... like a chalet... well i Thank Lord God Jesus for givin me a place where i stay and am able to do these things... thank you!!!! aite guys ima gonna bounce so i'll b back soon to blog again.
Thursday, November 17, 2005
ISOW was da BOMB!!!
since tuesday i've been attending ISOW, the international school of worship, conducted by Uncle Brendon and Aunt Cathie Clancy at Grace Methodist Church.It was such a special experience, something i have not done before. It has given me more confidence to lead worship at 8am sunday school as well as to join the worship team at LYnC. on tuesday it started off reeeeeeeeal quick and energetic! most of the time during ISOW was spent praising and worshiping Jesus,Lord our God. We talked abt how to get into God's presence and how to keep the children and youth as well as adults there for a very long time. We played games and had a ball of a time, alot of shouting and jumping around was done...and it ROCKEDD!!!! hahahhzwe we're even asked to lead 1 song of praise or worship. St.andrew's cathedral consisting of me,timothy,valerie,michelle and vanessa chose to do "one way" by hillsong. At first there was supposed to be all of us dancing... but once it started, i just cldnt stop jumping up n down! it was like "heck the dancing, i'll just praise the Lord in the ways which come to me!!" n then it was just shouting and praising all the way!! at the end val was praying and worshipin God, so i closed my eyes and did likewise, as i was all quiet. i opened my eyes to see almost everyone looking at me and aunt Cathie saying "check him out!! he doesnt even care abt u guys..." hahahz that was really funny to go through...we were seen as passionate. was such a sad thing to have to leave GMC today and know i wont be goin back tmr with all the same ppl, but anyhowz.... it was a wonderful and enjoyable experience for me. I've made new friends with ppl from Chapel of the ressurection...hahahz ah well hope to see them sometime soon....its quite a long blog...and my layout is not exactly the easiest to use to read and i do apologise for i gonna go off now cya guys ard!
Sunday, November 13, 2005
D3@D +!r3D $!@....
wah sia lah been a while huh? well aint nuthin much been goin on cept that i've taken up golf...been havin some lessons n improving pretty fast if i do say so myself...hahahz, hmm its been the usual, tuition or bummin out at home sighz.... thursday i had lunch with THE FCC and some of the 208 guys at seoul garden, it was a fun experience!! and the wise words FCC said to us were "don't step on a man while he's on his way down, because you just may meet him while he's on his way back up..." *whoa now take a min to let that sink in.................................done? hahah ok ok* there's a truth to that and it'll b with me for a loooooooong time. Saturday was fun too...went to LYnC with clement and had cell group, the discussion was about the holy spirit and the struggle within ourselves when faced with temptation. sunday wasnt too bad either... went to the main service cuz we didnt have sunday sch. The rest of the day was spent at home then at the driving range for 1 n 1/2hrs of golf,later 1hr15mins of bball!!! whoooooo huuuuuuuuuuu so fun!!! so yea ima check this out again l8r so ima bounce guys! cya
Saturday, November 05, 2005
*music plays* guess who's back,back again, Lim is back, tell ur fren...guess who's back, guess who's bac....*music fades to end*
whoa...been quite a while since i posted anything here... been bummin at home, while also studying and relaxing sighz quite boring leh havent gone out in a while. today went to sentosa with the scouts for a unit outing. quite surprisingly it was pretty fun cept for when it was pouring down on us. We mostly crapped abt and just had fun,me, shanmugan and zhao.... hahaz zhao called our station the "sight-seeing" station, why? u may wonder, well it was a PRETTY nice view from where we were so we kinda just looked at the *ahem* b-e-a-utiful "scenery", esp the volleyball and frisbee ones hahahz, rajan n kwang came, to our displeasure...but anyhowz they didnt really bother us. it was quite an enjoyable time but it was also really tiring...kinda shack liao... hahahz sighz i'll b back another time to blog
whoa...been quite a while since i posted anything here... been bummin at home, while also studying and relaxing sighz quite boring leh havent gone out in a while. today went to sentosa with the scouts for a unit outing. quite surprisingly it was pretty fun cept for when it was pouring down on us. We mostly crapped abt and just had fun,me, shanmugan and zhao.... hahaz zhao called our station the "sight-seeing" station, why? u may wonder, well it was a PRETTY nice view from where we were so we kinda just looked at the *ahem* b-e-a-utiful "scenery", esp the volleyball and frisbee ones hahahz, rajan n kwang came, to our displeasure...but anyhowz they didnt really bother us. it was quite an enjoyable time but it was also really tiring...kinda shack liao... hahahz sighz i'll b back another time to blog
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